Monday, February 14, 2011

Pre- Valentine's Day Celebrations

Since Valentine's Day is on a Monday and I have class on Mondays the bf and I celebrated this past weekend. We exchanged gifts and went to eat at our spot......THE CHEESECAKE FACTORY! I was soooo surprised with the gifts that he got me. He actually was listening when I talked about my hair and the new things that I wanted to do with it. He bought me the Curlformers Kit. I cannot wait to use it!!! He also got me the beautiful balloons (one of them played the song "You're Still The One" which made me smile) and a $150 gift card to a spa. Oooh I can't wait to use that gift card. 60 min massage, facial, and manicure here i come :-) I really liked my hair that day. I washed my hair the night before and did a braid out. He loved it too. It was a great day

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